Partners – Code

Every day we set ourselves a goal and before we even reach this target we already have a new one in place. But what do we do with our own dreams? As an explorer of the world, I set goals that always come from a dream. For this reason, I am convinced that the partnership between the UNEP/GRID-Warsaw Centre (established by the United Nations Environment Programme) and Beyond Summits, will work towards a dream that many of us will have a more sustainable future. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) express the UN global plan adopted for the world until 2030 – referred to as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The 17 SDGs are about common contribution to our better future, especially by reducing socio-economic inequalities. At the same time, the SDGs emphasize development without harming our natural environment and focus on mitigating climate change effects. I would encourage you to review the below website and take action wherever you can, Together for the Environment!
Sustainability Partner:

Make-A-Wish and Beyond Summits have in some way a similar mission. Make-A-Wish fulfils wishes of children between 3 and 18 years old who are seriously, sometimes life threateningly ill. Beyond Summits’ mission is to inspire 1 million people to fulfil their dream. These ambitions in combination with an upcoming, extreme expedition to the South Pole became for Beyond Summits the foundation for an unique fund raising program that aims to raise € 100.000,- or more to fulfil as many children’s dreams as possible with support of corporate and private donations.
Charity Partner:

My goal with every expedition is always to get home safely and a summit is the icing on the cake. For that reason I always select and use companies that apply to this way of thinking and for sure Global Rescue is one of them. Since 2004, Global Rescue has worked with organizations, associations, and travel operators around the world to build comprehensive travel risk and crisis management programs in support of their clients and members. For over a decade Global Rescue has offered members access to critical lifesaving services, including Medical and Security Assistance, Advisory, and Evacuation services whenever they are more than 100 miles from home. Global Rescue’s commitment to providing the world’s best travel service is evident by thousands of evacuations they have performed around the world. I would encourage you to check out more details or get in contact with them so that the can tailor to your needs for your upcoming adventures around the world.

At Beyond Summits we expect all employees to exhibit the highest standards of ethical behaviour and abide by our code of conduct. A copy of this document is publicly available.
Beyond Summits code of conduct
Code of Conduct